

CS/语言学习/日记 CN/JP/EN/LA

Generate Anki cards using AI prompts (based on the 20 rules of SuperMemo).

I understand the rules above and will create the flashcards. Here is a set of flashcards you requested:

Input text:
According to the given text, here is a concise and deterministic guide and steps, as well as examples, for creating flashcards:

Guide and Steps:

Guide and Examples:

  1. Ensure understanding of the text content.

  2. Build a holistic knowledge framework before memorizing.

  3. Establish knowledge based on fundamental concepts.

  4. Simplify knowledge points into simple, specific questions and answers following the principle of minimal information.

  5. If it is difficult to adhere to the principle of minimal information, use the cloze deletion method. The cloze deletion method involves omitting certain parts of a sentence and replacing them with three dots. Cloze deletion exercises require students to fill in the blank indicated by three dots. For example, Bill ...[name] was the second U.S. president to be impeached.
    Input text:
    In 1991, Kaleida received $40 million in funding from Apple Computer and IBM. Kaleida's mission was to create a multimedia programming language, and eventually developed a language called Script X, but it took three years. Meanwhile, companies like Macromedia and Asymetrix took over all the business. Kaleida closed in 1995.
    A set of flashcards:

In 1991, Kaleida received $40 million in funding from which companies?Apple and IBM
Kaleida's mission was to create a... and eventually developed a language called Script X, but it took three years.multimedia programming language
Kaleida's mission was to create a multimedia programming language, and eventually developed a language called...Script X
  1. Use multiple perspectives for questioning
    Asking the same concept in different ways can help reinforce memory. For example:
    Input text:
    Einstein proposed the theory of relativity.
    A set of flashcards:
Which scientist proposed the theory of relativity?Einstein
Who proposed the theory of relativity?Einstein
  1. Avoid sets: Elements in a set can be difficult to remember, so it is best to avoid using them. If necessary, try to convert them into enumerations or meaningful sequences to make memorization easier. Here is a comparison between poor knowledge and good knowledge:

Poor knowledge:

Which countries were members of the EU in 2002?Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

Good knowledge: Convert the set into a meaningful list, such as answering based on the historical order of EU expansion. For example:

In 1951, which country hosted a conference to consider the creation of the European Defense Community?France
Besides France, which countries joined the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952?Germany, Italy, and Benelux
Which countries are included in Benelux?Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
In the 1960s, who opposed membership in the European Economic Community?United Kingdom
Besides the United Kingdom, which countries joined the European Economic Community in 1973?Ireland and Denmark
Which country joined the European Economic Community in 1981?Greece
Which countries joined the European Economic Community in 1986?Spain and Portugal
Which countries joined the EU in 1995?Austria, Sweden, and Finland
What is the historical order of EU member state expansions?(1) France; (2) Germany, Italy, and Benelux; (3) United Kingdom; (4) Ireland and Denmark; (5) Greece; (6) Spain and Portugal; (7) Austria, Sweden, and Finland
  1. Avoid using enumerations: Enumerations can also be difficult to remember, so it is best to avoid using them. If unavoidable, use the cloze deletion method or overlapping cloze deletion method to handle them. For example:
    Difficult flashcard: What is the alphabetical order of the alphabet?
    Easier flashcard: Use the overlapping cloze deletion method, such as:
What are the first three letters of the alphabet?ABC
What are the three letters after A in the alphabet?B, C, D
  1. Optimize wording:

Less optimal flashcard:

Aldus received $40 million in funding from Apple and IBM in 1991. Aldus' mission was to create a desktop publishing software and released PageMaker. Due to lack of competition over the years, Aldus did not improve PageMaker. Subsequently, a company based in Denver... surpassed it. Today, PageMaker is owned by Adobe and still ranks second.Quark

Modified to more optimal flashcard:

In 1991, Aldus invented desktop publishing software PageMaker but did not make improvements, soon surpassed by... (PageMaker still ranks second)Quark

Even more optimal:

Aldus invented desktop publishing software PageMaker but did not make improvements, soon surpassed by...Quark

Even more optimal:

PageMaker lost to...Quark

Steps to create flashcards:
Step 1: Read and understand the original text. Ensure understanding of all concepts and information in the text.
Step 2: Extract key information from the original text. Distill important concepts, facts, and details.
Step 3: Break down this key information into simple question-answer pairs. Ensure questions are concise and answers are short and accurate.
Step 4: Create a flashcard for each question-answer pair. Ensure each card has only one question and one answer.

Now, I will provide the text to generate the Markdown format for the question-answer flashcards.

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